2024 Annual Fund Drive

The Foundation’s Annual Fund Drive is underway through December 31st.

Make a gift today.

Our Goal: $75,000


Make a gift to the Foundation for Edmonds School District and you’ll give our children a better chance to shape their futures and change their lives.

Your donation goes to programs that directly benefit students, teachers and families in every school in the Edmonds School District. Grants fund innovative learning and instruction. Stipends and scholarships close opportunity gaps. Food and family assistance programs nourish kids and lift vulnerable families. No child should be hungry or homeless.

You can have a lasting impact on a child’s education and wellbeing when you make a gift to the Foundation for Edmonds School District today. Thank you.

Creative Classroom & Schoolwide Grants

Inspiring innovation and excellence

A modest investment can have life-long returns when it lights a fire for learning and fuels student success. Grants allow teachers to create rich learning experiences that bring big ideas to life in the classroom and beyond.

happy funny child girl draws laughing shows hands dirty with paint
Happy Hispanic mother smiles proudly with her college graduate daughter.

Stipends & Scholarships

Closing achievement and opportunity gaps

Lack of funds shouldn’t be a barrier to graduating on time, earning college credits in high school or writing college entrance exams. It shouldn’t keep motivated students from getting vocational or college education. Our stipend and scholarship programs serve more than 3,000 students each year.

The Nourishing Network

Fighting hunger and helping families

There are hungry children in our school district. A hungry child struggles to learn. Our food programs serve hundreds of children and families every week of the school year and through the summer. A network of partners, volunteers and donors make this vital assistance possible.

Diverse group of volunteers sorting food donations into boxes