A modest investment can have life-long returns when it lights a fire for learning and fuels student success. Aligned with district learning goals, our Creative Classroom and Schoolwide grant program provides supplemental funding for dozens of innovative projects that enrich all subject areas, at every grade level. Last year, more than $50,000 was awarded.
The application portal is open on April 8, 2024. The deadline to submit classroom and schoolwide grant applications for the 2024/25 school year is October 25, 2024. Please apply for grants online.
See below for award amounts and a description of the Elizabeth Ruth Wallace Project Grant.
Questions? Please contact Ronny Anderson by phone at 425.431.7084 or by email.

Creative Classroom Grants
Classroom grants are intended for submission by teachers. A teacher can submit as many proposals as they wish. Individual teachers can receive up to $500, while two or more collaborating teachers can receive up to $1,000. All classroom grant applications must be signed by the principal.
Schoolwide Grants
School-wide grants are intended for submission by principals. Proposals can be awarded up to $3,000 (and sometimes more). Principals may submit multiple proposals, and teachers can develop a school-wide grant, provided it is submitted by the principal and signed by an assistant superintendent.
Elizabeth Ruth Wallace Project Grant
The Elizabeth Ruth Wallace Grant supports innovative and creative projects, with awards of up to $7,000. This grant can be submitted by teachers, principals, or ESD staff members.