The Foundation’s Student Program Matching Campaign helps student teams and clubs participate in state or national competitions, conferences and festivals.
We will match up to $2,500 in donations to offset travel, registration and other costs, allowing more students to take part in these rich extracurricular and academic experiences.
In the past year, the Foundation matched nearly $10,000 in funding for STEM and Technical Student Association teams, award-winning academic teams and music ensembles, and nationally ranked Cheer squads.
Spring Campaign:
The Lynnwood High School Royals Cheer Squad competed at U.S.A. Spirit Nationals in Anaheim, CA, February 14th-16th. The team came home with an 8th place national title. Nice job!
Total funds raised: $5,533.

When you make an online donation to be matched, please type “Yes” in the “Student Program Matching Gift” field. In the “Comment” field, specify the team or group you are supporting. If you are donating by check, write “Student Matching Gift” and specify the team on the check memo line.
To qualify for a gift match, donations must be made through the Foundation either online, or by check made payable to Foundation for ESD and mailed to:
Foundation for ESD
P.O. Box 390
Lynnwood, WA 98046